When you start talking about placing large multi-million-dollar assets into business entities that create profitability, you must address the tax piece of it. Addressing personal property tax, addressing sales tax… Every state and municipality has a different landscape for the tax piece of it. Taxes are extremely important, as are all of the other TO LIFT topics. What does your dad always tell you? Hire the most expensive and best attorney you can find. Hire the most expensive and best accountant you can find, and you will be glad you did. There is no difference here when talking about taxes and aircraft ownership. We have those resources and partnerships with aviation tax-specific specialists that allow us to really hang our hat for our clients on what is good, what is bad, what is high risk, and what is not high risk. Then we can structure their ownership and get a good clear picture of what that looks like before they even take ownership of the airplane. That is a big piece. If you do not have that piece figured out before you take ownership of the airplane, I do not think you should own the airplane. It is that important.