We know Pre-Owned Pilatus Best
Specializing in PC-12 and PC-24
JetSwiss specializes in buying, selling and operating used Pilatus PC-12s and PC-24s for clients around the world. Sharing our knowledge and love of this unique, handmade Swiss aircraft is our greatest passion.

Buyer’s guide
Based on decades of experience and hundreds of aircraft, the JetSwiss team has put together a comprehensive overview of to-dos before purchasing a used Pilatus PC-12 aircraft. This overview will help you think beyond surfing the web for pretty planes and put you on the road to pre-owned Pilatus ownership.

Everything it takes “To Lift” Your Pilatus
JetSwiss assists clients in addressing all the ancillary topics of Pilatus ownership and operations.
From Training, Operations, Legal, Insurance, Financial, and Tax aspects, our “TO LIFT” approach establishes an all-encompassing structure our clients can trust. Our relationships and knowledge in the industry allows us to provide the necessary framework to ensure our clients’ success.

Propped up by proprietary reporting and market data
JetSwiss Aviation goes above and beyond to support Pilatus owners in their ownerships journeys.
With years of Pilatus-specific experience in aircraft management, sales, and procurement, we have developed a series of proprietary reports, procedures, and detailed analysis that provide our clients with an in-depth understanding of the Turbine Suburban™ and the market. This expertise minimizes risk and maximizes results through informed decision-making, yielding the best possible results.
Jetswiss Aviation Clients
Trust That We Provide Solutions
that impact their ownership experience
hours of Pilatus flight time
years in the Pilatus program
faster sales than industry average

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Though we buy, sell, refurbish and fly PC-12 and PC-24 aircraft, JetSwiss is not officially affiliated with Pilatus Aircraft LTD. If you are interested in purchasing a new PC-12 or PC-24 contact your local Pilatus Manufacturer.