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JetSwiss Founding Principles

General / March 11, 2021

This may not seem like an important topic for an aircraft owner, or would be aircraft owner, but anyone with a pulse and who’s in business can relate on several levels to the JetSwiss Founding Principles.

When we started JetSwiss, we had many goals and ambitions.  We didn’t want to do things like everyone else.  At times, the pre-owned Pilatus aircraft world can seem like the “wild wild west” from the outside looking in.  “Off Market” or “On Market” advertisements for aircraft, brokers who know nothing about what they’re trying to sell, poor ethical practices, etc.  I could go on and on…

I’ve been involved with the Pilatus program since the late 90’s.  I’ve come to appreciate the Swiss heritage, values, and beliefs.  These folks truly care about their families, culture, products, and customers.  This is exemplified by the Pilatus products themselves, the factory personnel, and the worldwide dealers.  Simply put, they care.

So when we started thinking about forming JetSwiss, it did not take long.  We structured our business model around those common Swiss principles. The journey in creating JetSwiss has yielded several common messages and themes which has helped to establish our main goals and founding principles.  We’re hopeful it will help provide focus for the future, and to be a constant reminder of where we’ve come from — and more importantly, where we are going!

JetSwiss 10 founding principles: 

  1. Create value for the Seller AND the Buyer
  2. Create a friend and customer for life
  3. Ask “What is the customer paying for?”
  4. Do the right thing, especially when others are NOT watching.  It may cost money at times, but the value gained and character built is priceless.
  5. Appreciate life, family, friends, employees, and customers – every day
  6. NEVER skip an opportunity to show it (see #5)
  7. Never be afraid to communicate the bad news at a good time, the process and people involved will eventually appreciate it
  8. Courage to look in the mirror—and the drive to take actions as a result, always creates good results
  9. Managing expectations and communications effectively, at the core, remains the backbone of any good business. Thus, on a daily basis strive to emphasize clarity.
  10. If your heart is in the right place, chances are your head and actions will follow

 Again, this topic may not speak to buying/selling, or even perhaps flying airplanes, but it’s an important piece for us at JetSwiss.  We feel that if we keep these ten principles in mind, we’ll build a solid and sustainable business platform — all we need is an opportunity to show it!

Fly Safe and Fly Swiss,



“JetSwiss specializes in the sales, management, and operations of Pilatus aircraft.  With over 18 years intimately involved with the Pilatus Factory/Dealer program, JetSwiss has the resources, knowledge, and expertise that produce positive results.

If you currently own a Pilatus or you’ve been considering a Pilatus, if have questions about Pilatus, or if you might benefit from having an expert on your team, we invite you to contact us today.”